Code of Conduct

We want everybody to feel safe and comfortable at TAMBDA events, lessons and workshops. Social dancing involves close contact with another person. Mistakes happen, but we want to create a learning environment that everyone can feel comfortable in.

General Lesson and Social Dance Conduct


Do Not:

TAMBDA has a zero-tolerance policy for inappropriate touching, stalking, and sexual harassment. If you feel uncomfortable at any time, our officer line will take appropriate action if needed. 

Harassment includes, but is not limited to:

Stalking may constitute: 

Our officers take these issues seriously. Members who are asked to stop these behaviors are expected to do so immediately. Members expelled or suspended from club activities will not be refunded club or activity fees.  

Aggie Westies is our sister club. As a result, anybody expelled from TAMBDA will be expelled from Aggie Westies in order to make both clubs a safe environment for all.

This code has been adapted from the Aggie Westies Code of Conduct and the TAMU Title IX Glossary of Terms.